How To Build More Relationships and Increase Their Value

build relationships for your small business

At the very core of marketing a small business is building relationships. Relationships bring you new customers, they influence your popularity, they spread your ideas, and much more. Small businesses that don’t build relationships are doomed to fail, and the ones that do are likely to succeed.

Bear in mind, it’s not just quantity of relationships (though that helps), it’s also about quality. A large amount of your business probably comes from a small group of people (which is why you have to keep your customers). Keeping only good relationships means more clients with less work.

But you probably knew that…

Here’s the tricky part. To build a lot of relationships, you need to talk with a lot of people. To keep your relationships high quality, you also need to talk with a lot of people. Read more if you’re confused.

Get yourself out there. Introduce yourself to everyone.

The number of relationships you can create is directly related to the number of people you talk to. The more people you introduce yourself to, the better. This includes competitors and people you may not be targeting: you never know might turn into a valued friend or customer, so introduce yourself to everyone.

Increase your selection of contacts, and you can choose better relationships.

Have you ever been to the grocery store when they only had one piece of chicken left? Or one type of cereal? You were at the mercy of the store and its selection.

The same principal applies when you only meet 5 people. The quality of your new relationships is limited to that group.

To build a lot of beneficial relationships, you must first have a large selection of people to choose from. And, I say choose because you must decide which people to create lasting relationships with.

Only follow up with potentially good contacts.

You must limit your follow up to valuable relationships. Being a business owner, I’m certain you don’t have a lot of extra time—so it’s important you don’t follow up with everyone you meet. It’s also very important that you follow up with anyone who might someday be a client, or perhaps give you a referral.

The idea is that each time you meet with a person, you are qualifying them a bit more. If they look like they might be a good resource or potential client, keep in touch with them. If they aren’t interested in your company at all, don’t put anymore effort into them. Over time, you will create a good group of very beneficial relationships.

A relationship is a two way street.

The last point I’ll leave with you is this: each relationship should be mutually beneficial. If you help them, they’ll probably return the favor. You’ll also feel good about helping them, it’s a nice thing to do.

The golden rule lives on. If you want people to care about you and your product, care about them too. What goes around comes around.

So go and introduce yourself to some new people. And, if you liked this article, share it with some friends. Submit it to Digg or another social site; you’ll give them a (hopefully) useful article and you’ll help us get traffic to our site. Like I said, what goes around comes around : )

Reader Comments

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Sep. 3. 2012 1:59 AM

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Sep. 2. 2013 9:13 AM

How you start your conversation will depend a lot on what you want from that relationship.  examcollection 642-627 If you want a personal relationship, for example, you might start with different things than if you want a business relationship. For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume your goal is to start a 642-627 vce

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Dec. 20. 2013 8:01 AM

This is a very interesting topic and one that is extremely helpful too. Thanks for sharing this. what are the three credit bureaus

Feb. 14. 2014 7:04 PM

Be up-front and honest about everything Don’t commit the mistake of under-charging for your work, 70-646 but please make sure your customer is well aware of all charges. Make sure that you both know exactly what is expected out of every purchase, and you will be well on your way to creating a lasting bond.

Maria Campeanu
Feb. 26. 2014 3:17 PM

That’s right. Too many people don’t really understand the concept of a relationship, be it a business or a personal one. This mostly means that they always expect benefits without offering anything back. I like to call these people brats, but it might be too harsh for some people.

Mar. 17. 2014 8:25 AM

Business relationships must be, contrary to the popular belief, based on trust as well! It’s much easier and more satisfying to collaborate with a business partner when you know and trust him

Mar. 19. 2014 2:32 PM

Too many people forget that any business relationship is a two way street! Most businessmen will casually walk all over you even though you just intentionally gave them the deal of their lives

Mar. 26. 2014 10:14 AM

You are so right! You need to be social and trustworthy. Having a good relationship with people is crucial.

Mar. 31. 2014 7:48 AM

Being a decent human being can get you further than anything else. Even though sometimes people will step over you, in the end you’ll still have a lot more to gain than them

Mar. 31. 2014 9:42 AM

While most small businesses have a better relationship with their customers, because fewer customers are easier to please and manage, they cannot compete with corporations when it comes to bonuses or free extra benefits because corporations have a lot more money to spend on these things

Apr. 10. 2014 11:47 AM

Developing a marketing strategy for a small business is completely different from doing it for a bigger business, because the target is usually different

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